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Ratenice (Rattonitz)

Ratenice - Ratteniz, Rattonitz


90px Ratenice CoA CZ.svg

Ratenice is a village about 20 km east of Prague close to the E67:


 800px Rattenitz


Stillfried and Rattonitz

From: "Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich" - On the Genealogy of the Austrian Barons Stillfried (1879)

"Hermann Stillfried on Radienicz, in the Kaurzimer district of Bohemia, in which we believe to recognise today's Ratenicz of the Austrian lines, had a coat of arms divided diagonally by gold and black, which is still preserved today in the heart shield of Stillfried's coat of arms. The Smrz (Smizicki) family of Radnitz, which flourished around the same time, also had one. The first reason for the later greatness of the house was laid by Georg Stillfried von Radnitz auf Steinau, Tuntschendorf and Krainsdorf, who married Anna, the heiress daughter of the last Lord von Dohna auf Neurode, this dominion situated in the county of Glatz, which is currently still in the possession of one of the count's branches of the Prussian lines. Georg also had himself enfeoffed with this property by King Podiebrad of Bohemia on 3 May 1472. The lineage of Georg continues in uninterrupted succession to the present day. His son, also called Georg, married Maria born Pogorell around 1480; his son Jacob married Katharina born von Reichenbach, and his son Heinrich (born 1519, died 1615) married Elisabeth born von Pannwitz. With the latter our genealogical table begins."

"Stillfriedové v Ratenicích založili dodnes stojící kostel svatého Jakuba Většího a dnes již zaniklou tvrz, podle všeho stojící v místě dnešního domu č. p. 1. Roku 1420 obec vypálilo vojsko Zikmunda Lucemburského, usazené v Nymburku. [8] George Stillefrede z tohoto rodu pomohl roku 1488 Jiřímu z Poděbrad dobýt Prahu a po jeho korunovaci získal od krále za věrné služby kladské lenní panství Nowa Ruda (Neurode). Rod tam přesídlil a roku 1472 Ratenice prodal. Obec často měnila majitele a již nikdy se nestala šlechtickým sídlem. Ztratila tak na významu.[7]"

Translation (DeepL):

"The Stillfrieds founded the church of St. James the Great, which is still standing today, and the fortress, which no longer exists, which apparently stood on the site of the present house No. 1. [8] In 1420 the village was burnt down by the army of Sigismund of Luxembourg, which was stationed in Nymburk. Georg Stillefrede from this family helped Jiří of Poděbrady conquer Prague in 1488 and after his coronation received the fief Nowa Ruda (Neurode) in Kladsko from the king for his loyal service. In 1472 the family moved there and sold Ratenice. The village changed hands frequently and never again became a noble seat. It lost its importance."[7]


Old ratenice

Ratenice (Rattenitz) around 1841.
Documentarily mentioned for the first time in 1340.
See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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